Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Calm down....deep breaths...and get yourself dressed instead...of running around and pulling your threads and breaking yourself up....

I know what it feels like to be hated.
To know that no matter how hard I tried I would always be disgusting to you.
And I would never be her….
Because when you look at her you see brilliance and beauty.
When you look at me you see dumb and ugly.
And did you think I might not catch on to the view,
When you spent so much time making me believe I would never compare to her?

And I don’t mean to sound bitter so much.
But I get tired of saying I’m sorry because I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel.
I wouldn’t resume things so I know it shouldn’t matter so much.
But I know what it’s like to be hated now…
And it’s a little harder to forget that than anything else.

I think though…that if for a short time I stop worrying about how my feelings will make everyone else feel….
Than I can sort through it all.
When so many years are spent forgetting who you are and what you believe,
It’s harder to find an original thought or a firm opinion.
I have to remind myself, that I’m aloud to think anything I want now.
And the things I think and feel aren’t so stupid.
They might matter to someone….somewhere….someday.

But it’s harder to remember that once you know what it’s like to be hated.


Emily said...

You know, we're on the same level. You know how I know? You posted poetry. I JUST wrote poetry last night in my journal. Haven't written a lick of poetry in YEARS. I love it.

Beckels said...

Haha. Had to purge you know. Maybe it's like when girls have their periods at the same time when they spend so much time together....we poetry together at the same time?