Saturday, August 9, 2008

Simple isn't always so simple.....

I've had a lot of thoughts running through my head today. It's hard to chase down one of them and parlay it into a suitable blog entry. I'm no blogger. But I'll give it a go.

My family and I spent some time at our flooded house today. It's coming along. I can't imagine a point when we will be able to live there again but our contracter assures us that it is possible. She sure does have a lot of enthusiasm for someone who hasn't been paid yet. That makes me weary.

I've put a lot of thought into going back home. I feel like the flood was so much more than just a flood. Actually it wasn't even a loss. It was cleansing....a wake up call. I can handle everything that was lost. I thought I couldn't at first but I haven't persished yet. If I have to stay with my family much longer that may not be the case though.

I'm a simple person. My emotions are pretty complex, I'll give myself that. But I live simply. That's my goal when I get back home, to live as simply as possible. I was eager this year to grow my own garden and can like crazy. I made my own jelly last year. I picked the fruit myself and did all the canning. I won't say I didn't have a mentor in that area but I did the work. It was spectacular. Best of all was that Mike loved it. We rationed the jars of jam like crazy knowing I couldn't can anymore until this spring. I seriously almost cried when I had to throw that last jar out because it was contaminated by the flood waters. Next year I suppose.

I don't want much. If I had to make a short list it of wants it would go something like this: I want clean clothes drying on the line outside my house. This happens while Abi is playing in her tree fort and I'm laying in the grass reading a book. Mike is inside cooking. No joke. I can't cook. He loves to.

Is all that blog worthy? I don't know. Perhaps blogs are nothing more than an online diary that can be customized to the extreme. It's still refreshing.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Anything is blog worthy :) And that picture is amazing, and by amazing I mean WOW, that's insane. I can't imagine losing everything like that. You're a strong woman Ms. Rebecca. My mom just mentioned canning today, its funny you blogged about it. I would eat your canned goods any day.