Sunday, September 21, 2008

I have a torrid love affair going on.........

With books that is. I fear that no one, not no one loves books as much as I. I'm dealing with it and moving on. Let me tell you though that you are missing a great deal when you don't make a proper habit of reading. However, I'm moving on.

I just finished another book today. I won't go into detail but it was good. I thought a great deal after I finished reading the book. I kept wondering what it is was that I liked about the book so much and then it hit me. Though the book was dry in some places there were moments where the words were perfect. They could stand alone from the book and still have a great deal of meaning.

I don't need books to relate to my life so I can relate to them. It's nice when it happens from time to time but I don't need it. I need them to teach me more than anything. I can't relate to people sometimes, a lot of times. Along the way I find a few people that I can learn from but I understand words more than anything.

Words so beautifully contained in books are always there. Sometimes I don't understand what they are saying and I have to mature a little and then come back and read them. This happened the first time I read "1984". I thought it was rubbish the first time I tried to get through it. The second time I picked it up I didn't stop reading it until I was done with it, until I was pissed off and crying like a mad woman in the end. That's the way it is with me...I am moved more by words and less by people.

Everyone knows who Nelson Mandela is. One day I purchased his biography "Long Walk To Freedom" at the book store. It turns out I did not know who he was at all. I was so moved by his book. I learned how ignorant I was about the struggles of South Africa. I learned how ignorant I was as a person. You could have yelled at me before I read that and told me how ignorant I was about South Africa's struggles but I would have disregarded you. I get written words though. I get books.

It's why I get so dissapointed in movies. I can't take it when a book I love so much gets turned into a movie. After a few tries of trying to watch the book turned into a movie go around I gave up. Unless I didn't fancy the book so much I won't watch the movie. It makes me pissed off when vital parts are left out and characters are cast all wrong. I get irate when the acting is not passionate enough for the words. If you have ever read "White Oleander" by Janet Fitch do not ever see the movie. It is awful and all wrong.

I use books as an escape always. They are precious to me. I don't need to brag and say that I can read a book in a day or that I read so many books each week. It doesn't matter. Perhaps reading is a different experience for each individual. I am only concerned that books provide an escape for me when I need, give me an excuse to cry when I need it, and teach me something always. It is enough for me.

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