Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm good people.

Wow, it has been awhile. I've neglected this blog because I was tired of writing about crap, aka my separation and work crap. Did I mention crap?

I'm going to do something unheard of for me. I'm going to write about positive things. This of course being inspired by Emilie and her blogging adventures. It's funny that I would say that because Emilie and I only write this stuff for each other though my page tells me other people have been looking. Don't do it people. I'm telling you now this is the kind of shit only Emilie can understand.

I was thinking a lot about work last night. I have had a good couple of work days mostly brought on by the fact that I got to work with Emilie on Monday. My good mood has carried from there. Here is what I thought about......I love working with the mentally ill. I realize it isn't a job I should focus on forever and that isn't my intention but man I love those crazy clients. Sometimes.

Beyond that there are a select few coworkers that I am crazy about as well. You build that connection after awhile and though it will pain you to hear it I must say it reminds me of Royal Fork in that aspect.

Let's make a top ten list! Here are my top ten favorite memories of Hamilton Center thus far. Pay no attention to the order. It ain't a thing.

1. Getting punched in the face by my favorite client of all times. Don't let his small size fool you people. When the boy isn't well mentally he packs a mean punch. I had the blackened face to prove it.

2. The night of the Terre Haute tornadoes at Ft. Harrison. I was stuck in a small laundry room with ten mentally ill guys all night. I never saw any tornadoes but had to stay hunkered down witht he clients all the same. After a few hours of no smoking they got pissed. Thanks to that night my vocab of bad words tripled. I've got the foul language to prove it. I've never been called a god damn whore so many times. Good times, good times.

3. Playing Uno with Matt and falling out of my chair for no reason at all. It's what I do. I walk, I fall. I sit, I fall. I wake up in the morning and I fall down the stairs. I've got the bruises to prove it.

4. Hamilton Center Softball. We never won but we always drank a lot. It was even better after Emilie joined. One game Matt, Sarah and I made a pact not to drink. That pact lasted all of the work day. We got to the park then quickly turned around and found a liquor store. I've got the beer belly to prove it.

5. Book club....all two times. Book club with John's whiskey and Emilie's coping skills was the best. As usual Emilie and I were the only one's to talk about the book. I've got the knowledge to prove it.

6. Handing out presents to the clients with Cody one Christmas eve only to discover a client bought Cody and I gifts as well. I watched Cody open his gift and saw that he received a beer stein with two pairs of silk boxers stuffed in it. I will never forget it, ever. Cody has the boxers to prove it.

7. One birthday a client came back from free time toting a bag from CVS. He then told me he had a birthday present for me. I tried to explain to him for what might have been the 20th time I couldn't take gifts from him. He gave me my gift anyway. Two sticks of deoderant. I've got the smell good armpits to prove it.

8. Cowering in the kitchen with Emilie as a very irate client threw plates at us. This is the same client who pretends to kill me on a daily basis. Subacute is short about five plates to prove it.

9. Lunch time rewind. Enough said. I have a vast knowledge of cheesy 90's lyrics to prove it.

10. Listening to the radio while watching Matt play mobsters yet again only to find that we are both dancing together. He was executing a very fine robot while I was raising the roof. We both agreed never to speak of it ever again.

It's not really a top ten list. Just the first ten that came to my head. I need to do something now, like medicate the mentally ill while picturing Emilie naked. What? Whoa....I didn't just think that. I'm good people after all.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Omg, I needed a Becca blog so badly!! This list made me laugh. Alot. I can picture you and Matt dancing, and I think it's BEAUTIFUL. And hysterical.