Sunday, August 10, 2008

Well, that was nice.

I love sex. I bet you can't guess where I'm going with this one. Now don't jump to conclusions. I won't be blogging simply about my healthy appetite for sex. That would be rude for those of you out there who aren't getting any.

There have been times in my life where sex was neither here or there. If it happened, great. If it didn't then I was okay with that to. I'm a bit to selfish to have that nonchalant attitude these days. Lucky for me my husband wants to just as much as I. I think if I weren't married I could very possibly be a slut. I'd be okay with that as long as I enjoyed the sex and it wasn't just the male scoring.

When I think back to days of sex long before Mike arrived it makes me giggle, a lot. How naive was I? I don't miss those days though there were quiet a few of them. I can remember the first time I had sex. My boyfriend at the time was a bit older than me. I was pretty passionate and expecting a lot. I ended up being very dissapointed. Apparently I was all the rage during that sexual experience or at least his comments during the act led me to believe so. Afterwards, he kept asking if I was okay. Sure I said. But where the fuck was the orgasm? I wasn't dissapointed because I gave away my virginity; I don't see it as much of a gift or a prize. I just wasn't satisfied. If ever I were in that same position now I would have most definately told him off. If you don't notice that your partner didn't get off then you just don't deserve to have sex. If you did notice but don't care then you are an asshole. I've never faked an orgasm. I refuse to.

There were experiences after that but I never really understood the beauty of sex until Mike. It doesn't matter how much sex is had between us. I can never get enough. When I think about it I just feel bad for other women. Perhaps there is some other woman out there thinking the same thing about her partner. I'm sure people do but it seems hard to believe that people can enjoy each other as much as Mike and I do.

Today I commented to Mike that it's amazing we find the time to have sex as much as we do. It's not uncommon for it to happen several times a day and that's after six years of marriage and nine years of being together. It's still not old and it's still never enough. We work opposite shifts and have no days off together. We find the time though. I just go to work sleepy, a lot.

I don't mean this to sound dirty really. Although during the act there are some pretty dirty things said. But I think it's beautiful. Most likely because we are so attentive to each other during the act. At least I hope I am.

This shall most likely make Mike blush if he comes across it. It has to be said.

And please women, don't fake orgasms. It's not healthy. If you don't want to have sex then don't. But I would advise you to explore why you don't want to. If you do want to have sex and are just faking because you aren't satisfied then stop now. Tell your partner. They probably know you are faking anyway. If not then you have gotten really good at it and have been faking for far to long. Don't demean yourself that way. It's sad. It makes me want to cry for you. Don't make me cry. Go now, go get yourself and orgasm.

1 comment:

Emily said...

The only time I "fake" is when it looks like he's in a tough spot and I try to help the process along. I'd like to think it works. The dog will jump up on the bed and throw him off so i've gotta make some extra effort sometimes. I hope I want sex that much someday. Sooner rather than later would be nice. I'd glad you have a healthy sex life, it really does help a relationship.