Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The quote goes something like, "The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end".......

It’s only the middle of the week and already it feels like it’s dragged on. It has been a most unusual week. It has been a very hard week. Mike and I have decided to separate. We have decided that we are no longer good together, that we no longer exist. It was a very mutual decision. One that has taken years to recognize and months to decide. It is what is best.

I’m okay with all this but I’m also very on edge. I have had no time to myself since the decision. I’m either at work or taking care of Abi or at the beck and call of my family. I feel like I’m going insane. A separation under normal circumstances would be hard but one where you aren’t given any alone time to deal with everything and cry is far worse. I took the day off of work to try and deal with everything and have been up and have been busier than if I were actually at work. My family really sucks right now.

I gave them notice that I would need to go into town to run errands and hoped against all hope that it would provide me some alone time. Then my mom informs me that I need to pick up my crack head brother and run him around. I have to think that if I can survive this without any time to deal than surely I am a lot stronger than I thought.

It makes it harder that Mike is still here. I don’t want to tell my family until he moves out. So I stay out of my usual hiding places to give him some space and have been forced to interact full time with my family. I do love them…I think. Someone is always yelling here. Even when they are talking they are yelling. I fell down the god damned stairs yet again this morning. Maybe I have already hit the point of crazy and just haven’t recognized it.

Fuck it…I’m going to Canada :)


Anonymous said...

I want you to know how much I love you! You are such an amazing person and yes, you are much stronger than you thought you were. I wish I could be like "I know what it's like to seperate" but I don't. It would be false words and a bunch of bull. But I do know what it's like to help a friend out through a hard time. We are all here for you. If you need to cry, we can listen. If you need to yell, we will take it. If you need some closure, I have a shovel, a shotgun and 8 acres! :) Yes, your family is crazy. Yes, they need to give you a break and realize everything you do for them, Abi, Mike... everyone but yourself. You need some ME time. Take it. Leave. Tell someone NO. You can do it. I have faith in you through all of this.

Emily said...

Don't act like you're not welcome at my house anytime you want missy. Even if i'm not here. We need to have some quality time soon...quality female time.